Moran, Raymond
Department Head, Information Technology

Barrett, Kevin 
Instructor, Information Technology

Students entering the field of Information Technology are introduced to concepts of computer hardware and software. Instruction is provided in office productivity software, computer hardware, and computer programming. Students demonstrate advanced skills in web design and desktop publishing. Programming skills are refined and developed in various languages, such as HTML, Java, Java Script and Python. Following general study in IT, students select a pathway from among 6 options: Management Information Systems, Interactive Web Content and Digital Media, Computer Science and Programming, Computer Networking and CyberSecurity, Hardware Troubleshooting, Web Development

To learn more about Connecticut Technical Education and Career System’s Information Technology program standards, industry certifications earned, course breakdown and career/college pathways, please visit our district website.

Purchase Emmett O’Brien Automotive Technology uniforms via Darter Specialties.

We offer a wide range of services to the public at a fraction of the market price. Providing students with real projects for real customers here in Connecticut, and delivering high-quality products to them. Learn more about our Student Workforce.